Thursday, February 25, 2010


Hey Jude~

I'm certain that women are like dogs in "heat" right before they get their monthly visit from Aunt Flo...well at least I am! I can put my finger on the exact age when my libido officially went into over drive...I was 31! I never thought I could ever be more horny..oh boy...was I mistaken. "Heat" for me is very animalistic! I feel and act completely different during this stage. My senses are completely piqued...a simple touch, smile, or innocent gesture can get me going! All I think about is sex and how I can get it and who I'm gonna give it to. Now, mind you, this does not actually transpire, most the time, but a girl is allowed to dream, right?

I'm in "heat" usually starts about 1.5 weeks before Aunt Flo arrives. I've notified the "Irish"...via text 'heat week has begun. I'm just saying"..."FYI...I'm at the peak of heat week"...this has gone on and on since last week Friday! Damnit...the "Irish" better make an appearance before I start to wander into another camp...I'm just saying....

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